Mines Advisory Group (MAG)
Cuba Advertising, London
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A sunny afternoon in an idyllic little town, very reminiscent of America but actually in Arkeyna, Sudan. The sprinklers are watering the lawns, a girl is happily jumping up and down on her trampoline, and Ayal Deng and her daughter are just coming out of the door and about to walk down the road. Suddenly, a blast hurls the girl high up into the air. To make the moment bearable, the commercial switches to illustration to show the lifeless girl lying in a pool of blood near the curb. The tagline for this spot from MAG, the Mines Advisory Group, which campaigns for the removal of anti-personnel mines, admonishes: Just because it is not on you doorstep.
- Client Mines Advisory Group (MAG)
- Ad Agency Cuba Advertising, London
- Production Company The Beast, London
- Director Andy Welch
More: Cuba Advertising London
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Mines Advisory Group (MAG)
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