

Mix Brasil

Neogama BBH, Sao Paulo


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17th Mix Brasil Sexual Diversity Film
Festival: “Mix Heroes Batman & Robin” [00:30]# At a glitzy reception, one guy is telling the other about his idea for a movie script featuring two superheroes – one middle-aged, the other a young boy, fabulously wealthy, with a bats fetish, masks, and tight-fitting suits. What is more, the two never go out with women because they are both openly gay. The other finds the idea good but asks whether they really do have to be so open about their sexual preferences? Super: “Not all movies come out like they wanted to. 17th Mix Brasil Sexual Diversity Film Festival.”

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17th Mix Brasil Sexual Diversity Film Festival: "Mix Heroes Batman & Robin" [00:30]# At a glitzy reception, one guy is telling the other about his idea for a movie script featuring two superheroes – one middle-aged, the other a young boy, fabulously wealthy, with a bats fetish, masks, and tight-fitting suits. What is more, the two never go out with women because they are both openly gay. The other finds the idea good but asks whether they really do have to be so open about their sexual preferences? Super: “Not all movies come out like they wanted to. 17th Mix Brasil Sexual Diversity Film Festival.”

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