

Mr & Mrs Smith

Nice Shirt, London


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Mr & Mrs Smith “Get A Room” (01:00) #
An attractive young woman is getting
ready to meet her loved one. Once the
latter appears, the erotic foreplay can
begin. The couple drag themselves from
the hallway through to the kitchen, just
about making it to the bedroom in time.
Yet, somehow, things do not seem to be
panning out the way they planned. First,
they are put off by the gaze of inquisitive
neighbours, then a picture crashes down
and, finally, the worm-ridden dog seeks
to gain their attention. With its “Get A
Room” tagline, hotel chain Mr & Mrs
Smith offers a solution to such problems.

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Mr & Mrs Smith “Get A Room” (01:00) # An attractive young woman is getting ready to meet her loved one. Once the latter appears, the erotic foreplay can begin. The couple drag themselves from the hallway through to the kitchen, just about making it to the bedroom in time. Yet, somehow, things do not seem to be panning out the way they planned. First, they are put off by the gaze of inquisitive neighbours, then a picture crashes down and, finally, the worm-ridden dog seeks to gain their attention. With its “Get A Room” tagline, hotel chain Mr & Mrs Smith offers a solution to such problems.

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