

MTV Qoob

Studio AKA, London, Grant Orchard


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MTV Qoob “Love Sport Love Paintballing” (02:10) #
MTV Qoob – an experimental TV station
for alternative music videos and artwork –
presents its extraordinary “Love Sport
Love Paintballing” spot in the style of C64
games. What begins as a little skirmish
between the blue and the red troops turns
into absolute “carnage,” in the course of
which the rectangular warriors fight each
other from the air, dyeing the entire area
in bright colours. At the end, the rapid
attempts to position artillery bring everything in the vicinity to a complete standstill. The siren announces the end of the
game, and the brightly daubed oblongs
retreat once again.

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MTV Qoob “Love Sport Love Paintballing” (02:10) # MTV Qoob – an experimental TV station for alternative music videos and artwork – presents its extraordinary “Love Sport Love Paintballing” spot in the style of C64 games. What begins as a little skirmish between the blue and the red troops turns into absolute “carnage,” in the course of which the rectangular warriors fight each other from the air, dyeing the entire area in bright colours. At the end, the rapid attempts to position artillery bring everything in the vicinity to a complete standstill. The siren announces the end of the game, and the brightly daubed oblongs retreat once again.

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