

MTV Romania

McCann, Bucharest


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MTV Romania “Pipe” (02:10) #
Another bizarre commercial for MTV Romania: protagonist is a country lad whose
curiosity is aroused by the sounds emanating from the field in front of his house.
Taking up a pickaxe, he seeks to get to
the bottom of the dull thud-like noises,
discovering a “music source” in the process. Quick as a flash, he taps a line to
his cellar, subsequently drinking from the
source and mutating first into Madonna
and then, as he samples a different cup,
into Jacko. The village community, being
unwilling to tolerate these flamboyant personalities, harass the lad, whereupon he
drinks from all cups at once, ending up
as a living MTV symbol. Pay-off: “Made in

More: McCann Bucharest

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MTV Romania

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MTV Romania "Pipe" (02:10) # Another bizarre commercial for MTV Romania: protagonist is a country lad whose curiosity is aroused by the sounds emanating from the field in front of his house. Taking up a pickaxe, he seeks to get to the bottom of the dull thud-like noises, discovering a “music source” in the process. Quick as a flash, he taps a line to his cellar, subsequently drinking from the source and mutating first into Madonna and then, as he samples a different cup, into Jacko. The village community, being unwilling to tolerate these flamboyant personalities, harass the lad, whereupon he drinks from all cups at once, ending up as a living MTV symbol. Pay-off: “Made in Romania.”

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