Clemenger BBDO, Melbourne
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NAB “Climb every mountain” (01:00) #
For the hero in this spot for NAB, an association
of radio and television broadcasters,
the day begins like any other, with
a search for that elusive second sock and
the song “Climb every mountain” from
“The Sound of Music” on the radio. Unbeknownst
to our protagonist, however, this
very song is about to make a profound
change to his life. Having had to stand in
as bus driver on his way to work and managing
to avoid a nasty accident in the
process, he is high on his new-found confidence
– and bold enough, in fact, to
climb to the summit of a mountain. Not
even the steep ascent, or the yeti he encounters
along the way, are able to stop
him. The message of this musical-like spot:
“A little confidence goes a long way.”
- Client NAB
- Ad Agency Clemenger BBDO, Melbourne
- Art Director Darren Pitt
- Copywriter Seymour Pope
- Production Company Anonymous Content, Culver City, Curious Film
- Director Justin Reardon
More: Clemenger BBDO Melbourne
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