National Dairy Council
DDB, London
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National Dairy Council “Daybreak” [01:00], “Threesome” & “Shopping Bag” [00:10]#
This sixty-second spot in the campaign features a friendly milkman followed by a troupe of milk bottles on his early morning route through some idyllic suburbia. The whole thing is reminiscent of a musical number in a Walt Disney cartoon except that the characters are not drawn but real – and the jolly milk bottles are computer animated. Pay-Off: Wake up to milk. The ten-second spots, of which we present you a selection of two, again feature milk bottles bumbling along, this time, however, with a short, succinct message. “What’s all this fuss about being green?” a VO asks in one of them as three milk bottles make their way up a garden path. “You’ve been returning out bottles for years,” he adds as three empties amble down same path. The third spot shows an animated overloaded shopping bag creeping along at a snail’s pace. Several milk bottles dance around the bag as the VO tells us that it’s a lot easier to get one’s weekend supply of milk from the milkman.
- Client National Dairy Council
- Ad Agency DDB, London
- Art Director Mike Hannett
- Copywriter Dave Buchanan
- Production Company Redwing, London
- Director Bill Mather