

NIPSCO Northern Indiana Public Service Company

Paco Collective, Chicago


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NIPSCO “It’s the Right Thing to Do: Driver”#
What open like a thriller scene in a parking lot, complete with heavy rain and a scared woman rushing to get into her car, turns out to be an ad for a natural gas and electricity company. We see the woman struggling to remember something that she forgot, which seems to be of great importance when suddenly a bird appears in her rear-view mirror and boom! she remembers that she still has an old refridgerator in the basement that she has to recycle – and with NIPSCO, she will even get money for it.

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NIPSCO Northern Indiana Public Service Company

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NIPSCO “It’s the Right Thing to Do: Driver”# What open like a thriller scene in a parking lot, complete with heavy rain and a scared woman rushing to get into her car, turns out to be an ad for a natural gas and electricity company. We see the woman struggling to remember something that she forgot, which seems to be of great importance when suddenly a bird appears in her rear-view mirror and boom! she remembers that she still has an old refridgerator in the basement that she has to recycle – and with NIPSCO, she will even get money for it.

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