Nordiska Kompaniet
Lowe Brindfors, Stockholm
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Nordiska Kompaniet “Tones Of Autumn”
(03:00) #
In this spot for NK brand clothing, film
and sound editors took care to ensure
that autumn was presented in just the
right pitch. In scenes running at differing
speeds to the strains of industrial sounds,
we see a woman getting dressed. Every
item she puts on causes another tone to
appear. Once she is fully dressed, the
sounds of the individual garments and
accessories, which at first seemed so
poorly matched, come together to be
harmoniously united – “The Tones Of
Autumn,” as revealed to us at the end
by this commercial with a rather experimental
feel to it.
- Client Nordiska Kompaniet
- Ad Agency Lowe Brindfors, Stockholm
- Art Director Lina Elfstrand , Magnus Löwenhielm
- Copywriter Olle Sjoden
- Production Company Spader Knekt, Stockholm
- Director Johan Perjus