Oldesloer Korn
Jung von Matt, Hamburg
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“Regen” + “Kühe” [00:15]# A dreary image of rain pouring down on a typical Northern German farmhouse. A farmer peeps outside, then quickly slams the door shut again. VO:, “There are days in Oldeslo where you can hardly step outside. So you drink indoors. “Cut to a bottle of Oldesloer Korn, a brand of schnaps. The second spot in this series shows a row of cows looking stupidly into the cameras. “No one speaks about the milk that comes rom Oldesloer, “the VO comments,” sorry, girls.”
- Client Oldesloer Korn
- Ad Agency Jung von Matt, Hamburg
- Art Director Kai Zastrow
- Copywriter Hartwig Keuntje
- Production Company Take Five Design, Ratingen
- Director Hartwig Keuntje
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