DDB, Stockholm
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OLW “The Potato Herd” (00:45) #
This scurrilous spot for OLW potato chips
has a thing or two to tell those who believed that potatoes are pulled out of the
ground during harvesting. Rather, a hunting instinct is what is called for here, a
unique sense of stealth as one emerges
from inside the surrounding bushes. If,
after all, the potatoes notice even the
slightest of sounds, they will hop off in
herds across the fields. The hunters have
to be quick to catch the nimble things
with a kind of butterfly net. “OLW knows
you need the best potatoes to make the
best crisps,” as the voice from the off
explains. The esoteric group seen at the
end of the spot knows how to appreciate
this as they convene for their “musical
- Client OLW
- Ad Agency DDB, Stockholm
- Art Director Andreas Dahlqvist
- Copywriter Nils-Gustav Tollman
- Production Company Spader Knekt, Stockholm
- Director Filip Tellander
More: DDB Stockholm
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