


Springer & Jacoby, Amsterdam


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Olympus “Distorted Dogs” + “Blurry
Boy” + “Cropped Tourists” (00:45) each #
Looking at old photos revives memories
of the times they depict. Time and
again, however, one comes across those
awful snaps one would rather not be
reminded of. The sight of distorted dogs
with melon-sized heads almost drives
the woman in the first spot to despair. A
mother is unable to bear the sight of her
daughter’s former boyfriend, blurred so
badly as to be unrecognizable, any day
longer, and the young man in the final
spot is at his wits’ end when the tourists
he has just photographed start complaining
loudly about their half-chopped-off
heads. With an Olympus digital, one is
fortunately able to decide for oneself
what one would like to be reminded of:
save or delete.

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Olympus “Distorted Dogs” + “Blurry Boy” + “Cropped Tourists” (00:45) each # Looking at old photos revives memories of the times they depict. Time and again, however, one comes across those awful snaps one would rather not be reminded of. The sight of distorted dogs with melon-sized heads almost drives the woman in the first spot to despair. A mother is unable to bear the sight of her daughter’s former boyfriend, blurred so badly as to be unrecognizable, any day longer, and the young man in the final spot is at his wits’ end when the tourists he has just photographed start complaining loudly about their half-chopped-off heads. With an Olympus digital, one is fortunately able to decide for oneself what one would like to be reminded of: save or delete.

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