Fallon, London
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Orange “Belonging” (01:00) #
In this commercial for Orange broadband
and mobile networks, the focus is on the
importance of staying in touch with one’s
loved ones. We all know the grim side of
this – all those constantly ringing mobiles
in public spaces, the nuisance and embarrassment of involuntarily having to listen
in on the unspeakable intimacies of total
strangers. Yet this brilliantly made spot –
set on a huge meadow in which the protagonist’s friends and relatives miraculously appear and just as quickly disappear – is a joy to behold. Pay-off: “People
are good together.”
- Client Orange
- Ad Agency Fallon, London
- Art Director Sam Akesson, Tomas Mankovsky
- Copywriter Sam Akesson, Tomas Mankovsky
- Production Company Academy Films, London
- Director Frédéric Planchon
More: Fallon London
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