Mother, London
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Orange “Michael Madsen” (01:00) #
The popularity of Hollywood stars serves
as inspiration for this movie theatre spot
from Orange in which cinemagoers are
urged to switch off their mobiles. Michael
Madsen, who played the ear-chopping Mr.
Blonde in Quentin Tarantino’s gory movie
Reservoir Dogs, calls his next victim from
a pay phone. Yet Mr. Orange and Mr. Future interrupt him in order to give more
modern spin to the scene. Phone booths,
they say, were “so 90s,” and videophony
is now a must. Mr. Blonde’s objections to
the effect that his victims would then be
able to recognize him are simply dismissed. Accordingly, the first call he makes
using the video-enabled mobile phone
ends with his arrest by the police. Pay-off:
“Don’t let a mobile phone ruin your movie. Please switch it off. Orange.”
- Client Orange
- Ad Agency Mother, London
- Production Company Epoch, London
- Director Stacy Wall