

Orange Goldspots

Fallon, London


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Orange Goldspots: “Gulliver’s Travels” [01:06]# In this fake trailer for the film of Jonathan Swift’s novel “Gulliver’s Travels,” Jack Black plays the role of Gulliver. He finds himself in the famous scene in which, on the island of Lilliput, he is tied to the ground by Lilliputians. Yet he has the scene cut when he notices that Orange is seeking to use a little mobile phone shop to engage in a spot of product placement, subsequently launching into a diatribe on the subject of integrity and this despicable form of advertising. Super: “Don’t let a mobile phone ruin your movie. Turn it off. P.S. Jack Black actually will be appearing in ‘Gulliver’s Travels,’ which goes on release in December 2010.”

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Orange Goldspots: "Gulliver’s Travels" [01:06]# In this fake trailer for the film of Jonathan Swift’s novel “Gulliver’s Travels,” Jack Black plays the role of Gulliver. He finds himself in the famous scene in which, on the island of Lilliput, he is tied to the ground by Lilliputians. Yet he has the scene cut when he notices that Orange is seeking to use a little mobile phone shop to engage in a spot of product placement, subsequently launching into a diatribe on the subject of integrity and this despicable form of advertising. Super: “Don’t let a mobile phone ruin your movie. Turn it off. P.S. Jack Black actually will be appearing in ‘Gulliver’s Travels,’ which goes on release in December 2010.”

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