The Campaign Palace/Red Cell, Darlinghurst, Sydney
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Panasonic Lumix: “Skim” [00:45]# A hiker is standing on a riverbank photographing the scenery. Yet when trying to snap a picture of himself, he unfortunately fails – and thus asks a hiker on the other side of the river to take it for him. To facilitate this, he skims his camera, a Panasonic Lumix, across the surface of the water like a stone. When the other guy wants to toss the camera back to him, he is swallowed up by the water. Super: “The tough new Lumix.”
- Client Panasonic
- Ad Agency The Campaign Palace/Red Cell, Darlinghurst, Sydney
- Art Director Cameron Hoelter
- Copywriter Kelly Putter
- Production Company Goodoil, Moore Park
- Director Matt Murphy