


Springer & Jacoby, Hamburg


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Panasonic “Sichtweisen” [00:30]# Various panoramas of what there is to see in a lush summer meadow, and how to appreciate it, are explored in this spot for Panasonic digital wide screen television. Thus, views of the meadow upside down, bugs crawling between the blades of grass, and the night sky afford glimpses of how colorful and unexpectedly exciting nature can be when watched on a Panasonic wide screen TV.

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Panasonic "Sichtweisen" [00:30]# Various panoramas of what there is to see in a lush summer meadow, and how to appreciate it, are explored in this spot for Panasonic digital wide screen television. Thus, views of the meadow upside down, bugs crawling between the blades of grass, and the night sky afford glimpses of how colorful and unexpectedly exciting nature can be when watched on a Panasonic wide screen TV.

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