DLKW Lowe, London
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Peperami Cheezie, 1+2 [00:20], 3. [00:10] Three sopts for the new Peperami with cheese featuring excerpts from the “Cheezie Listening” radio show, hosted by a cheesy macho-peperamiman, who advertises himself as the hottest man any woman could think of. His studio interior and the jingle ending each spot are as cheesy as the host himself. His final line and pay-off: “Any hotter and I´d be fondue.”
- Client Peperami
- Ad Agency DLKW Lowe, London
- Art Director Julian Chalkley
- Copywriter Wright, Chris
- Production Company Loose Moose, Calgary
- Director Ken Lidster
More: DLKW Lowe London
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