

Pepsi-QTG Canada

BBDO, Toronto


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Diet 7Up Soft Drink: “Elevator Small Talk Tony” [00:30]# Boring elevator rides can be a thing of the past if one livens them up with “Small Talk Tony” – a man always with a quip on his lips or time to chat about the weather. People such as Small Talk Tony und Emoticon Susan make the day a little “lighter,” i.e. easier to bear – just like the fizzy freshness of Diet 7up.

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Pepsi-QTG Canada

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Diet 7Up Soft Drink: "Elevator Small Talk Tony" [00:30]# Boring elevator rides can be a thing of the past if one livens them up with “Small Talk Tony” – a man always with a quip on his lips or time to chat about the weather. People such as Small Talk Tony und Emoticon Susan make the day a little “lighter,” i.e. easier to bear – just like the fizzy freshness of Diet 7up.

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