JWT (J. Walter Thompson), London
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Persil Washing Liquid “Sunday Dinner” & “Washing Line” [00:40]# To promote the launch of a new dishwasher detergent by Persil, comedian Robbie Coltrane appears and tells us that his grandmother’s Sunday dinners are the best but that there are a lot of dishes afterwards Fortunately there’s the new detergent from Persil now. Grandmother, however pleased she may be with the new product, still associates Persil with washing powder for clothes and, as a result, proceeds to hang up all her freshly washed plates on a clothes line. In the second spot we see that she still hasn’t got used to the idea of a dishwashing detergent from Persil. When her grandson notices a few raindrops falling form the sky, he rushes across hills and glades to his grandmother’s house just in time to help her get the plates off the clothesline and indoors.
- Client Persil
- Ad Agency JWT (J. Walter Thompson), London
- Art Director Nick Wooton
- Copywriter Jonathan John
- Production Company Delaney & Hart, London
- Director Simon Delaney
More: JWT (J. Walter Thompson) London
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