

Peugeot 106

BETC, Paris


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“Le tango” + “Le tir” [00:30]# “The first time men have been crazy about their wives´ car” is the claim of the Peugeot 106. Just how crazy is demonstrated by these two commercials. In the fist we witness the sorry spectacle of men laboriously tryinf to learn to tango in a ballroom dancing class. All this apparently to be in a position where they can mor easily persuade their wives to lend them their 106. Judging from the sad tales told by one of the disciples, changes are however, remote. In the second commercial, we see two women practicing target shooting. As it turns out, both of them are proud owners of a 106. “Does your husband also pester you with requests to borrow your 106?” tho older, more bourgeoise lady of the two asks the other. “No, not anymore,” the younger one quips, firing away at the target with a lot of precision.

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"Le tango" + "Le tir" [00:30]# “The first time men have been crazy about their wives´ car” is the claim of the Peugeot 106. Just how crazy is demonstrated by these two commercials. In the fist we witness the sorry spectacle of men laboriously tryinf to learn to tango in a ballroom dancing class. All this apparently to be in a position where they can mor easily persuade their wives to lend them their 106. Judging from the sad tales told by one of the disciples, changes are however, remote. In the second commercial, we see two women practicing target shooting. As it turns out, both of them are proud owners of a 106. “Does your husband also pester you with requests to borrow your 106?” tho older, more bourgeoise lady of the two asks the other. “No, not anymore,” the younger one quips, firing away at the target with a lot of precision.

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