


Cliff Freeman & Partners, Los Angeles


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Philips Softone “Mood For Love” [00:30]# An old man is sitting in his armchair reading his paper. His wife enters with a pack of Philips Pastel Softtone Light Bulbs. She changes the bulb in the lamp. Cut to room bathed in soft light. Her husband’s now at the piano. He plays and sings, “I’m in the mood for love. His wife joins him on the piano seat with a bottle of champagne. She pops the cork bang in the middle of his forehead but he just plays on, gazing fondly at his wife.

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Philips Softone "Mood For Love" [00:30]# An old man is sitting in his armchair reading his paper. His wife enters with a pack of Philips Pastel Softtone Light Bulbs. She changes the bulb in the lamp. Cut to room bathed in soft light. Her husband's now at the piano. He plays and sings, "I'm in the mood for love. His wife joins him on the piano seat with a bottle of champagne. She pops the cork bang in the middle of his forehead but he just plays on, gazing fondly at his wife.

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