


Tribal DDB, Amsterdam


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Philips: “Carousel” [02:19]# A movie-quality spot for the Cinema 21:9 TV from Philips. We find ourselves caught up in a street battle, yet it would appear that time has somehow stood still. Slowly, the camera glides between bullets suspended in midair and exploding cars, past policemen and criminals disguised as clowns, and on into a building. A policeman is in the process of flying through a pane of glass, the shards of which we are able to examine in detail. Swathes of flames and banknotes fill the lobby area, along which we then advance until we reach a room in which a man is lying unconscious on the floor. Amusingly, the beginning and the end of the spot mesh seamlessly .

More: Tribal DDB Amsterdam

More: Philips

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Philips: "Carousel" [02:19]# A movie-quality spot for the Cinema 21:9 TV from Philips. We find ourselves caught up in a street battle, yet it would appear that time has somehow stood still. Slowly, the camera glides between bullets suspended in midair and exploding cars, past policemen and criminals disguised as clowns, and on into a building. A policeman is in the process of flying through a pane of glass, the shards of which we are able to examine in detail. Swathes of flames and banknotes fill the lobby area, along which we then advance until we reach a room in which a man is lying unconscious on the floor. Amusingly, the beginning and the end of the spot mesh seamlessly .

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