PlayStation 2
TBWA, Paris
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PlayStation 2 “Head” (00:45) #
So this is what goes in inside the head of
someone playing PlayStation 2. Happenings inside this “thought factory” resemble those in Frankenstein’s spare parts
store: parts of the human anatomy are
plugged together with machine parts,
eyeballs rolling along a conveyor belt or
a cartwheel with hands flogging a bare
bottom. Enough to instil a severe case of
dizziness even in the young guy whose
opened-up head is shown in cross-section before coming together once again
to form a whole.
- Client PlayStation 2
- Ad Agency TBWA, Paris
- Art Director Jessica Gerard-Huet, Sébastien Vacherot
- Copywriter Jessica Gerard-Huet, Sébastien Vacherot, Loic Cardon
- Production Company Def 2 shoot, Paris
- Director Thomas Marque
More: TBWA Paris
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