


Goodby Silverstein & Partners, San Francisco


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“Shaking the Polaroid,” “Interview” + “Knack for Reappearing” [00:30]# Three humorous commercials illustrating how people use the Polaroid camera. Different cultural habits to develop a Polaroid picture are compared in the first commercial. Whether shaking, rubbing or licking is preferred; the enjoyment of seeing a Polaroid develop is universal. The second one explores people’s pressure to perform in front of the Polaroid camera. Three exemplary performers are interviewed and reveal their favorite grimaces. In the last commercial a hilarious snapshot reappears on the desk of an employee during a business meeting, presenting him with the difficult task of presenting a reasonable explanation for his Polaroid-captured shenanigans. Pay-off: “Polaroid. See what develops.”

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"Shaking the Polaroid," "Interview" + "Knack for Reappearing" [00:30]# Three humorous commercials illustrating how people use the Polaroid camera. Different cultural habits to develop a Polaroid picture are compared in the first commercial. Whether shaking, rubbing or licking is preferred; the enjoyment of seeing a Polaroid develop is universal. The second one explores people's pressure to perform in front of the Polaroid camera. Three exemplary performers are interviewed and reveal their favorite grimaces. In the last commercial a hilarious snapshot reappears on the desk of an employee during a business meeting, presenting him with the difficult task of presenting a reasonable explanation for his Polaroid-captured shenanigans. Pay-off: "Polaroid. See what develops."

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