

Post Office

DLKW Lowe, London


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“Swimming Pool,” “Car Boot Sale” + “Ballet” [00:30]# A series of state of the art animated commercials with dialogues that have an improvised fell about them and were edited down form hours of actual chit chat. Due to this technique the messages about the Post Office the spots are designed to convey slip effortlessly into the conversation. The first spot depicts a scene in a swimming pool that is visually reminiscent of some of David Hockney’s work. It shows three women at a swimming pool discussing child benefits while the children of one of them are romping around in the background. The second commercial, which is designed by the director in a very English type of watercolor style all grays, off white greens and pale yellows is set at a car boot sale. Conversation turns around getting cash from the Post Office on Saturdays. Degas seems to have been the inspiration for the school. While waiting for their offspring to complete their class, three parents are talking about how delicate glass presents can be sent through the post.

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"Swimming Pool," "Car Boot Sale" + "Ballet" [00:30]# A series of state of the art animated commercials with dialogues that have an improvised fell about them and were edited down form hours of actual chit chat. Due to this technique the messages about the Post Office the spots are designed to convey slip effortlessly into the conversation. The first spot depicts a scene in a swimming pool that is visually reminiscent of some of David Hockney's work. It shows three women at a swimming pool discussing child benefits while the children of one of them are romping around in the background. The second commercial, which is designed by the director in a very English type of watercolor style all grays, off white greens and pale yellows is set at a car boot sale. Conversation turns around getting cash from the Post Office on Saturdays. Degas seems to have been the inspiration for the school. While waiting for their offspring to complete their class, three parents are talking about how delicate glass presents can be sent through the post.

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