


Goldammer, Hamburg


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This spot sets out to show us all the things you can avoid with the Premiere Movies-on-demand. A young guy suddenly decides to go get a movie from the video store. The first obstacles to be negotiated are not just the coat hangers but also the doorknob flying in his face. Once out of the apartment, he can forget about using his bike, which, like the car, does not have a single wheel remaining. By the time this walking disaster zone arrives at the video store, he has been rammed by a bus, hit on the head by a trophy, and his ex-girlfriend has happily, and surprisingly, announced to him that she is pregnant.

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This spot sets out to show us all the things you can avoid with the Premiere Movies-on-demand. A young guy suddenly decides to go get a movie from the video store. The first obstacles to be negotiated are not just the coat hangers but also the doorknob flying in his face. Once out of the apartment, he can forget about using his bike, which, like the car, does not have a single wheel remaining. By the time this walking disaster zone arrives at the video store, he has been rammed by a bus, hit on the head by a trophy, and his ex-girlfriend has happily, and surprisingly, announced to him that she is pregnant.

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