PwC Extraordinary
Deutsch, New York
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The visualization of complex problems and the different levels at which they can be solved.
Daniel Wright: “Pricewaterhouse Coopers is a multinational professional services company combining assurance, tax and – oh wow – just reading
that should have almost put you to sleep. So you can imagine how hard
it would be to make a website even close to fascinating. Whether or not
you happen to be looking for an auditor, it’s rare to find a website as
exquisitely detailed as this one.”
- Client PwC
- Ad Agency Deutsch, New York
- Creative Director Kerry Keenan, James Cowie, Joanne Scanello, Jeremy Bernstein, Richard Kolopeaua
- Art Director Richard Kolopeaua
- Copywriter James Cowie
- Director Suzanne Molinaro
More: Deutsch New York
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