


Abbott Mead Vickers (AMV) BBDO, London


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RAC “Nodding off” (00:40) #
This vectorized spot from motoring organization RAC uses a nodding dog in the
back of a car to draw the attention of
viewers to the microsleep issue. One is
taken off for a drive on a deserted
motorway. On the backseat are young
people sleeping and selfsame nodding
dog. The constant beat from the radio
speakers makes the latter sleepy, and at
the same time the sun outside darkens.
When the dog’s eyes finally close completely, the crash occurs. “Tiredness kills”
is the RAC strapline.

More: Abbott Mead Vickers (AMV) BBDO London

More: RAC

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RAC “Nodding off” (00:40) # This vectorized spot from motoring organization RAC uses a nodding dog in the back of a car to draw the attention of viewers to the microsleep issue. One is taken off for a drive on a deserted motorway. On the backseat are young people sleeping and selfsame nodding dog. The constant beat from the radio speakers makes the latter sleepy, and at the same time the sun outside darkens. When the dog’s eyes finally close completely, the crash occurs. “Tiredness kills” is the RAC strapline.

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