Retiring Species
Findasense Colombia, Bogotá
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Findasense, creative agency, in collaboration with Fundación con Vida presents “Species en retreat”. This campaign uniquely and captivatingly fuses the world of football and environmental conservation, taking advantage of the crucial moment in the careers of footballers on the brink of retirement to draw a powerful parallel with animal species also on the brink of extinction. The campaign features four striking prints, each showing a renowned footballer with his most iconic item, his jersey, integrated with the texture of the fur of an endangered species that corresponds to his nickname. This visual fusion, in addition to highlighting the connection between athletes and animals, emphasizes the urgency of protecting these species before it is too late.
- Client Fundación con Vida
- Ad Agency Findasense Colombia, Bogotá
- Creative Director Christian Buelvas, David Olarte, Diego Pinilla
- Art Director Leonardo Oviedo García, Rodrigo Melo
- Copywriter Andres Lopez
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