Rikk Bank
Video International, Moscow
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“Boring,” “Cat” + “Exercise” [00:30]# Decidedly average-looking people at work in an office. VO:”If you exciting here, you will be disappointed. Rikk BANK is the most boring bank in the world. The people are working, the bank is working. That´s all. “In the second spot we see the same industrious group of people when, suddenly, snoring noises can be heard. Alarmed the bank staff look at each other. But it is not one of them napping away during working hours. It´s the cat of one of the employees lying on the copy machine and enjoying a little snooze. In the third spot we think we are witnessing the end of the workday at Rikk Bank when all of the employees rise from their chairs. But it is in fact just a little gymanstic exercise they are performing to keep their fingers nimble. Afterwards, they go right back to work.
- Client Rikk Bank
- Ad Agency Video International, Moscow
- Art Director A. Aksyonov
- Copywriter Vladimir Perepelkin
- Production Company Video International, Moscow
- Director P. Chukray
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