


Saatchi & Saatchi, Moscow


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Ryabushka “Asleep” (00:25) #
A lack of love for their poultry is one
charge that cannot be levelled at the old
farming couple depicted in this commercial for Ryabushka eggs. Rather, in fact, it
would appear that the “little” creatures
are somewhat spoiled. When the couple
enter the chicken run, the farmer is somewhat put out by the lazy brood and complains to his wife: “It’s time they got up!”
Not wishing to disturb the hens slumbering in their little beds, however, she
asks him to grant them “just five minutes
more.” Tagline: “Ryabushka. From the
country, with love.”

More: Saatchi & Saatchi Moscow

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Ryabushka “Asleep” (00:25) # A lack of love for their poultry is one charge that cannot be levelled at the old farming couple depicted in this commercial for Ryabushka eggs. Rather, in fact, it would appear that the “little” creatures are somewhat spoiled. When the couple enter the chicken run, the farmer is somewhat put out by the lazy brood and complains to his wife: “It’s time they got up!” Not wishing to disturb the hens slumbering in their little beds, however, she asks him to grant them “just five minutes more.” Tagline: “Ryabushka. From the country, with love.”

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