

Sancor Tholem

Nacho Pedemonte, Buenos Aires


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Sancor Tholem “July 16” (00:40) #
The commercial opens in a very strikingly
wallpapered room. A woman leaves the
room, and in the background a person is
lurking in front of the wall – camouflaged
in a tight suit in the same pattern as the
wallpaper, making it hard to distinguish
the figure in the first instance. A man
enters a different room decorated in an
equally unusual wallpaper and, once
again, a figure is hiding in the background.
Finally, the first room is shown again. The
woman against the wall takes the hood off
her head, pulls out a pot of Sancor
Tholem, a soft cheese, from behind her
back, and begins to savour it with relish,
dipping her finger into the sauce and then
into her mouth.

More: Nacho Pedemonte Buenos Aires

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Sancor Tholem “July 16” (00:40) # The commercial opens in a very strikingly wallpapered room. A woman leaves the room, and in the background a person is lurking in front of the wall – camouflaged in a tight suit in the same pattern as the wallpaper, making it hard to distinguish the figure in the first instance. A man enters a different room decorated in an equally unusual wallpaper and, once again, a figure is hiding in the background. Finally, the first room is shown again. The woman against the wall takes the hood off her head, pulls out a pot of Sancor Tholem, a soft cheese, from behind her back, and begins to savour it with relish, dipping her finger into the sauce and then into her mouth.

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