Sarah’s Secret Erotic Shop
Dieste, Dallas, Texas
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Sarah’s Secret: “Cucumber” [00:30]# An amusing spot designed to pump up sales of vibrators at sex shop Sarah’s Secret. A woman is lying asleep in bed when something starts moving under the covers; out comes a cucumber that subsequently exits the bedroom in a panic, jumps down the stairs, goes skidding through the living room and then hides in the fridge. Super: “Thousands of cucumbers are assaulted every day. Stop vegetable abuse. Sarah’s Secret Erotic Shop.”
- Client Sarah’s Secret Erotic Shop
- Ad Agency Dieste, Dallas, Texas
- Art Director Sarai Gomez , Paty Martinez , Curro Villa
- Copywriter Ernesto Fernandez , Alex Duplan , Flor Leibaschoff
- Production Company Listening Chair, Dallas , Radium, Venice
- Director Carlos Tourne