

Schweizerische Mobiliar

Wirz, Zurich


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Mobiliar “Photographer” (00:35) + “Removal
Men” (00:30) #
These two spots for Mobiliar insurance
prove that life is far from perfect. As
people pen letters to their insurance
company, we are witness to why they
are writing in the first place. In the first
spot, a photographer describes the infinite
labours that went into the job of
snapping pictures of the china his aunt
wanted to sell. There were some 400
items and – after the power outage in his
studio – a few pieces more. The family in
the second commercial, meanwhile, are
the victims of a theft when two ostensible
furniture removers clear out their
entire possessions and drive off with
them in their truck just as the “genuine”
removal firm is turning the corner.

More: Wirz Zurich

More: Schweizerische Mobiliar

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Schweizerische Mobiliar

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Mobiliar “Photographer” (00:35) + “Removal Men” (00:30) # These two spots for Mobiliar insurance prove that life is far from perfect. As people pen letters to their insurance company, we are witness to why they are writing in the first place. In the first spot, a photographer describes the infinite labours that went into the job of snapping pictures of the china his aunt wanted to sell. There were some 400 items and – after the power outage in his studio – a few pieces more. The family in the second commercial, meanwhile, are the victims of a theft when two ostensible furniture removers clear out their entire possessions and drive off with them in their truck just as the “genuine” removal firm is turning the corner.

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