


Leo Burnett, Paris


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Sidaction: Fight against Aids: “Hourglass” (00:38) #
Naked bodies embracing and intertwining.
In between it all, repeated cuts to individuals
falling and coming to rest alongside
other lifeless figures on the ground. As the
camera pulls back, we see an hourglass in
which people are falling through the bottleneck
down into a pit or corpses below.
This new spot from Sidaction takes a drastic
approach to present the battle against
Aids as a race against time. (Really, however,
these dramatic images are true only
of the situation in third-world countries in
which, due to the lack of medication, Aids,
a disease which is otherwise treatable, has
become a terminal condition.)

More: Leo Burnett Paris

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Sidaction: Fight against Aids: “Hourglass” (00:38) # Naked bodies embracing and intertwining. In between it all, repeated cuts to individuals falling and coming to rest alongside other lifeless figures on the ground. As the camera pulls back, we see an hourglass in which people are falling through the bottleneck down into a pit or corpses below. This new spot from Sidaction takes a drastic approach to present the battle against Aids as a race against time. (Really, however, these dramatic images are true only of the situation in third-world countries in which, due to the lack of medication, Aids, a disease which is otherwise treatable, has become a terminal condition.)

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