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Janath Gamage, Senior Art Director, Leo Burnett 
By Proxy (Shavonne Wong + Lenne Chai)

“When we think about specific moments in our lives, when we look back at these visual memories, how much has been manipulated or romanticized to fit our desired version of the truth? I ask myself this every time I reminisce about a positive period in my life. How these two artists have questioned it, captured, depicted and crafted it, is why I love this project quite a bit. It instantly resonated with me. “For this project, two adolescent friends, Shavonne Wong, an award-winning Singaporean photographer turned 3D virtual model creator, collaborated with Lenne Chai, an acclaimed US-based Singaporean fashion photographer. Together they created images depicting an imaginary young girl’s transition from girlhood to adolescence, sculpted digitally, echoing a larger trend about authenticity in the way we represent ourselves as well as the subjectivity of memory. By Proxy dropped at Quantum Art as a 60-piece collaborative 3D/photography art project on 13th April 2022. It sold out in a minute. Shavonne’s work has since sold at Sotheby’s and collectors include Idris Elba.”

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Janath Gamage, Senior Art Director, Leo Burnett 
By Proxy (Shavonne Wong + Lenne Chai)

“When we think about specific moments in our lives, when we look back at these visual memories, how much has been manipulated or romanticized to fit our desired version of the truth? I ask myself this every time I reminisce about a positive period in my life. How these two artists have questioned it, captured, depicted and crafted it, is why I love this project quite a bit. It instantly resonated with me. “For this project, two adolescent friends, Shavonne Wong, an award-winning Singaporean photographer turned 3D virtual model creator, collaborated with Lenne Chai, an acclaimed US-based Singaporean fashion photographer. Together they created images depicting an imaginary young girl’s transition from girlhood to adolescence, sculpted digitally, echoing a larger trend about authenticity in the way we represent ourselves as well as the subjectivity of memory. By Proxy dropped at Quantum Art as a 60-piece collaborative 3D/photography art project on 13th April 2022. It sold out in a minute. Shavonne’s work has since sold at Sotheby’s and collectors include Idris Elba.”

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