TBWA\Chiat\Day, New York
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Skittles “Leak” (00:30 + “Trade” (00:45) #
The surrealistic and bizarre come together
in this campaign for Skittles fruit candy in
a spot that should prove to be of interest
to DIY buffs – those who, as in this spot,
discover a “Skittles hole” in their ceiling
and need to have a specialist fit two
handles to the ceiling. A vertically challenged
guy then gobbles up the Skittles
as they fall down. Yet those striking a bad
deal by swapping their pack of Skittles for
a rabbit with dubious singing skills
should not be amazed to find that they
are on the losing end. Not being able to
stomach the off-key rendering of the drinking
song from “La Traviata” for a second
longer, the guy wants to return the rabbit
yet ends up empty-handed. Tagline:
“Catch the rainbow. Taste the rainbow.”
- Client Skittles
- Ad Agency TBWA\Chiat\Day, New York
- Art Director Scott Vitrone
- Copywriter Ian Reichenthal
- Production Company MJZ, Los Angeles
- Director Tom Kuntz
More: TBWAChiatDay, New York
More: Skittles
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