


Deutsch, New York


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Snapple “Pamplona” ( 00:30)# Snapple isn’t your average liquid refreshment. It dispenses with preservatives and colourants in a manner not too dissimilar from these spots that concentrate exclusively on what’s really important. Little Snapple bottles come to life in short tales told in a droll and humorous style. In the first spot, the bottles are not chased by bulls while holidaying in Pamplona but by rampant guinea pigs with stuck-on miniature horns, and in the other an “absolutely normal” wedding turns into a disaster because the groom’s undergone an orientation change…

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Snapple "Pamplona" ( 00:30)# Snapple isn't your average liquid refreshment. It dispenses with preservatives and colourants in a manner not too dissimilar from these spots that concentrate exclusively on what's really important. Little Snapple bottles come to life in short tales told in a droll and humorous style. In the first spot, the bottles are not chased by bulls while holidaying in Pamplona but by rampant guinea pigs with stuck-on miniature horns, and in the other an "absolutely normal" wedding turns into a disaster because the groom's undergone an orientation change…

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