Sony, San Diego
Young & Rubicam (Y&R), Singapore
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Sony “Robots” (01:00) #
With this “Now I feel” commercial, Sony
is bidding to give an entirely new image
to technology. Countless high-tech robots seem to be casting envious glances
at the “human beings” and their various
different Sony devices. What makes them
so wanting when compared with the humans is summed up by the tagline in a
single word: “Feel.” One of the robots is
subsequently freed from its cold steel
existence when it gets to hear the music
coming through the earphones of the
person sitting next to it on the subway.
- Client Sony, San Diego
- Ad Agency Young & Rubicam (Y&R), Singapore
- Art Director Somjai Satjatham
- Copywriter Rowan Chanen, Justin White
- Production Company Sydney Film Company, Milsons Point
- Director Josh Baker
More: Young & Rubicam (Y&R) Singapore
More: Sony San Diego
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