


Duval Guillaume, Brussels


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Spa “Splash: The Inheritance” (00:35) #
Just how cleansing the water from Spa
can be is demonstrated to us by this spot
that takes two sisters as example. The
more avaricious of the two has already
drawn up an exact list detailing how the
mother’s inheritance is to be divided up.
The antique clock, for example, is to be
left to her, and the lawnmower to her
sister. After going on and on for ever, she
finally ends her speech with the words:
“Now, we just wait for mom to die” –
whereupon water is promptly splashed
on to her face.

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Spa “Splash: The Inheritance” (00:35) # Just how cleansing the water from Spa can be is demonstrated to us by this spot that takes two sisters as example. The more avaricious of the two has already drawn up an exact list detailing how the mother’s inheritance is to be divided up. The antique clock, for example, is to be left to her, and the lawnmower to her sister. After going on and on for ever, she finally ends her speech with the words: “Now, we just wait for mom to die” – whereupon water is promptly splashed on to her face.

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