


Wieden + Kennedy, London


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Space.NK “Discover” (01:00) #
This black-and-white spot for Space.NK
operates using intercuts between live
action and animation, taking viewers on
a surrealistic trip: raindrops falling softly
from leaves, sunbeams shining through
the tops of trees, fish darting to and fro
around a face which, with a single bat of
an eyelid, gets flowers to start flying. The
romantic interplay of shapes ends on a
bud enclosing the body of a woman as
they both slowly submerge into a box.
Tagline: “Space.NK – the beauty apothecary.”

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Space.NK “Discover” (01:00) # This black-and-white spot for Space.NK operates using intercuts between live action and animation, taking viewers on a surrealistic trip: raindrops falling softly from leaves, sunbeams shining through the tops of trees, fish darting to and fro around a face which, with a single bat of an eyelid, gets flowers to start flying. The romantic interplay of shapes ends on a bud enclosing the body of a woman as they both slowly submerge into a box. Tagline: “Space.NK – the beauty apothecary.”

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