

Spinal Injuries Association

DraftFCB, London


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Spinal Injuries Association “Man” + “Woman” [00:30]#
Two commercials that play on our prejudiced perception of people confined to wheelchairs. In the first a woman tells her husband, who’s in the wheelchair, to stop complaining, “It’s not my bloody fault, the way you are.” This, however, does not refer to his paralyses, as we might at first shockedly deduce, but to the fact that he had been out drinking the night before and now feels like shit. The second spot shows a young woman in a wheelchair admiring a skimpy dress in a boutique. Her friend tells her, “You gotta be joking. Not in your condition.” The camera pulls back and we see that the woman in the wheelchair is in fact very pregnant. Pay-off: “Life needn’t stop when you’re paralysed.”

More: DraftFCB London

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Spinal Injuries Association "Man" + "Woman" [00:30]# Two commercials that play on our prejudiced perception of people confined to wheelchairs. In the first a woman tells her husband, who's in the wheelchair, to stop complaining, "It's not my bloody fault, the way you are." This, however, does not refer to his paralyses, as we might at first shockedly deduce, but to the fact that he had been out drinking the night before and now feels like shit. The second spot shows a young woman in a wheelchair admiring a skimpy dress in a boutique. Her friend tells her, "You gotta be joking. Not in your condition." The camera pulls back and we see that the woman in the wheelchair is in fact very pregnant. Pay-off: "Life needn't stop when you're paralysed."

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