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Spotify “Chase Love”#
Two spots designed to evoke the feel of movie trailers, each also featuring a catchy and hugely popular track. The first takes us off into scary horror movie territory, a creepy-looking doll having been awoken by one particular tune from Camila Cabello playing on Spotify. The second spot opens on a high-speed car chase with the police in hot pursuit, yet this chase does not end quite as one might have expected. A surprising twist is in store, courtesy of “Wrecking Ball” by Miley Cyrus.

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Spotify “Chase Love”# Two spots designed to evoke the feel of movie trailers, each also featuring a catchy and hugely popular track. The first takes us off into scary horror movie territory, a creepy-looking doll having been awoken by one particular tune from Camila Cabello playing on Spotify. The second spot opens on a high-speed car chase with the police in hot pursuit, yet this chase does not end quite as one might have expected. A surprising twist is in store, courtesy of “Wrecking Ball” by Miley Cyrus.

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