

State Street Global Advisors

McCann, New York


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“Fearless girl” outdoor campaign, sponsored by asset manager State Street
Global Advisors, which was awarded the Outdoor Grand Prix at this year’s
Cannes Lions Festival: To mark International Women’s Day, a bronze sculpture
of a girl was placed on Wall Street to face the famous – and high-testosterone –
Charging Bull statue, a symbol of American economic prowess. The sculpture is
designed to inspire women everywhere to stand up to the status quo.

More: McCann New York

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State Street Global Advisors

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“Fearless girl” outdoor campaign, sponsored by asset manager State Street Global Advisors, which was awarded the Outdoor Grand Prix at this year’s Cannes Lions Festival: To mark International Women’s Day, a bronze sculpture of a girl was placed on Wall Street to face the famous – and high-testosterone – Charging Bull statue, a symbol of American economic prowess. The sculpture is designed to inspire women everywhere to stand up to the status quo.

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