


Kitchen, Oslo


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Statoil “Texan” & “Pink Cadillac” [00:45]# Two new commercials for Norwegian petrol company Statoil, their humor once again deriving from the ludicrous behavior of typical American tourists. In the first commercial an American sporting a big cowboy hat tries to chat up a young girl working at a Statoil station. He promises to wait for her outside the gas station until closing time. The only problem is that Statoil are open 24 hours a day. In the second spot, an American couple in a pink Cadillac compare language notes with one of the Statoil attendants. They find that there are many identical expressions in American English and “this Scandinavian language of yours,” as the husband describes Norwegian. When, however the attendant dares to ask if the couple wish to buy anything and this is greeted by gales of derisive laughter from the Americans’ art “We only buy from American gas stations,” they sputter. However, revenge is sweet: they ask the attendant how to say “Hello” in Norwegian and the next scene shows the couple joyfully greeting a police officer with the Norwegian equivalent of “Kiss my ass.” Super: Statoil. Service with a little bit extra.

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Statoil "Texan" & "Pink Cadillac" [00:45]# Two new commercials for Norwegian petrol company Statoil, their humor once again deriving from the ludicrous behavior of typical American tourists. In the first commercial an American sporting a big cowboy hat tries to chat up a young girl working at a Statoil station. He promises to wait for her outside the gas station until closing time. The only problem is that Statoil are open 24 hours a day. In the second spot, an American couple in a pink Cadillac compare language notes with one of the Statoil attendants. They find that there are many identical expressions in American English and "this Scandinavian language of yours," as the husband describes Norwegian. When, however the attendant dares to ask if the couple wish to buy anything and this is greeted by gales of derisive laughter from the Americans' art "We only buy from American gas stations," they sputter. However, revenge is sweet: they ask the attendant how to say "Hello" in Norwegian and the next scene shows the couple joyfully greeting a police officer with the Norwegian equivalent of "Kiss my ass." Super: Statoil. Service with a little bit extra.

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