Ogilvy & Mather, New York
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Surf “They’ll Fly Away” + “Woman’s Worst Enemy” [00:30]# A guy on his way to his girlfriend. Since his pants weren’t dry when he left home, he lets them hang from his car window to dry them. Super: “Guy in his car, confident and clueless.” For at that very moment the pants tear loose. The picture starts to flow and spin as if inside a washing machine. Cut to a box of Surf detergent. “It’s a dirty job but somebody has got to do it.” The second vignette presents a similar mishap. This time a housewife, having done the laundry and hung it in the yard, relaxes in a lawn chair while in he background the family dog wreaks havoc on the clothesline.
- Client Surf
- Ad Agency Ogilvy & Mather, New York
- Art Director Chris Parker
- Copywriter Travis Ashby
- Production Company Smillie Films
- Director Kinka Usher
Lurzer’s Archive
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