

Svalbard Ice



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Climate change affects us all, no matter where you live and how bad it is in your particular country, it is bad for the whole world. Unfortunately many people remain ignorant and what is not affecting them personally at a given moment does not seem to matter. This exhibition should change that view. The installations pull real-time data, updated every few seconds, from parts of the world affected by climate change. When you step up to a piece, the climate measurement impacts your image, demonstrating that you are a part of this story.

Joakim Borgstrom: “I love physical installations, I love digital installations, I love data visualizations. I love digital data. I love human data. I love mechanical data. I love real-time data. I love interactivity. This is an idea that shows how the climate measurement impacts your image, representing that you are part of this story and that the impact affects us all. If you love our planet, you’ll love this idea.”

More: BREAKFAST New York

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Svalbard Ice

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Climate change affects us all, no matter where you live and how bad it is in your particular country, it is bad for the whole world. Unfortunately many people remain ignorant and what is not affecting them personally at a given moment does not seem to matter. This exhibition should change that view. The installations pull real-time data, updated every few seconds, from parts of the world affected by climate change. When you step up to a piece, the climate measurement impacts your image, demonstrating that you are a part of this story.

Joakim Borgstrom: “I love physical installations, I love digital installations, I love data visualizations. I love digital data. I love human data. I love mechanical data. I love real-time data. I love interactivity. This is an idea that shows how the climate measurement impacts your image, representing that you are part of this story and that the impact affects us all. If you love our planet, you’ll love this idea.”

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