

Sweden On Airbnb

Forsman & Bodenfors, Gothenburg


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In line with its “freedom to roam” (Swedish: “Allemansrätten”) principle, which allows people to overnight virtually anywhere without restriction, Sweden has made it easier for visitors to explore and enjoy the great outdoors by listing the entire country on Airbnb.

Eva Santos: “Beautiful website on which you can stroll through the best places in Sweden and decide on an Airbnb type experience, but totally free-of-charge and in the midst of the natural landscape you want to experience. Another example of a website where you can spend an afternoon.”

More: Forsman & Bodenfors Gothenburg

More: Visit Sweden

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Sweden On Airbnb

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In line with its “freedom to roam” (Swedish: “Allemansrätten”) principle, which allows people to overnight virtually anywhere without restriction, Sweden has made it easier for visitors to explore and enjoy the great outdoors by listing the entire country on Airbnb.

Eva Santos: “Beautiful website on which you can stroll through the best places in Sweden and decide on an Airbnb type experience, but totally free-of-charge and in the midst of the natural landscape you want to experience. Another example of a website where you can spend an afternoon.”

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