

Tefal Ingenio

Publicis Conseil, Paris


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Tefal Ingenio “The Painting” (00:30) #
The protagonist in this spot for Tefal has
an obvious space problem. To the accompaniment of piano music from the
flat next door, he is trying to squeeze the
pan he has just washed into one of his
kitchen cabinets. Yet it will not fit into
any of the compartments. After hesitating
briefly, he finally forces the thing into one
of the units, slamming the door after doing so – and causing the neighbour to
have a hole punched in her picture or,
better, dog, which now gets a new tail.
All of this could, however, have been
avoided with the detachable handles on
Tefal skillets, the voiceover explains.

More: Publicis Conseil Paris

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Tefal Ingenio “The Painting” (00:30) # The protagonist in this spot for Tefal has an obvious space problem. To the accompaniment of piano music from the flat next door, he is trying to squeeze the pan he has just washed into one of his kitchen cabinets. Yet it will not fit into any of the compartments. After hesitating briefly, he finally forces the thing into one of the units, slamming the door after doing so – and causing the neighbour to have a hole punched in her picture or, better, dog, which now gets a new tail. All of this could, however, have been avoided with the detachable handles on Tefal skillets, the voiceover explains.

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